Secrets Of The Big Dogs Review – No B.S! Learn The Truth Here

Everyone wants to make money online. In fact, having a passive source of income is the ultimate dream. The only reason why products like Secrets of the Big Dogs are popular is because people are constantly looking for an easy way to make money online. However, people forget that there are no shortcuts in the online money business. Everything takes time, effort and dedication.


Secrets of the Big Dogs is a product that has been around for a while now. Recently updated in early February 2019, it now claims to teach you how to gain a steady supply of 5,000,000 ‘prospects’ every month, and how to create more than 12 passive income streams all while working less than 30 minutes every day. Sounds pretty amazing, doesn’t it? Which is why I had to review it. I had to find out whether it is a legitimate product or if it is all hype. Here is my Secrets of the Big Dogs review.


Secrets of the big dogs review


Product Being Reviewed: Secrets Of The Big Dogs





Secrets of the big dogs is a Clickbank product by Stan Stuchinski that promises to teach you how to create over a dozen residual income streams and get a steady stream of over 5,000,000 ‘prospects’ every month. Stan Stuchinski has been doing this since 1998, and the Secrets of the Big Dogs is a compilation of everything he has learned in his journey.


The Secrets of the Big Dogs website,, definitely makes an impression the first time you see it. Whether that’s a good or bad thing is up to you, but you will definitely remember it. Unlike most other similar product sites, has no promo video or pitch. Instead, the entire web page is all text in different fonts, background colors and effects, with a few GIFs and images thrown into the mix. It almost looks like someone took everything they had learned in an HTML 101 class and dumped it all on one page.






However, if you can ignore the look and feel of the site, you will soon find out what Stan Stuchinski is trying to sell you. The Secrets of the Big Dogs is a 200+ page eBook that has been written specifically for you, especially if you have tried various different internet money making ideas without success before. He claims the book is the most innovative concept in internet marketing this century.


secrets of the big dogs image


The first edition of the book was written in 2001. Since then, it has been revised and fine-tuned every year, with the latest edition being the 2019 edition. Having sold over 100,000 copies, Stan has christened it ‘the bible of internet marketing.’ He says his book is easy enough for newbies to implement and still powerful enough for seasoned professionals to take advantage of. Anyone can use it to find success online.


He says you are not going to see pictures of sports cars and mansions, or bank account ‘proofs’. Instead, he is going to tell it like it is and give you the real truth of how you can make a living online. He’s going to show you how to find success without your own list, without an autoresponder, and without any technical expertise. And all for a one-time fee of $7. And he is so sure you will find success with his methods that he is prepared to offer a 60-day 100% money back guarantee.





When you buy the Secrets of the Big Dogs, you will learn two things: the first is the 11 secrets of the big dogs and how to implement them, and the second is the Coordinated High-Income Portfolio, or CHIP, for short.


The way the book is presented is in a simple, tell-all format, with Stan trying to be as brutally honest as possible. He insists that nothing comes easy, and his lessons and strategies will take some time before you can see some results. He emphasizes patience and persistence, which I think is great because many people are often fooled into thinking that the internet is the ultimate source of easy cash, that there is some sort of magic button out there somewhere that you can push and money starts flowing in. It couldn’t be further from the truth. No one will give you free money. You need to work hard for it, and by the time you start making any form of consistent income, it will have taken a lot of work and time investment on your part.


The only reason why people get scammed online is because they want to be told that they can be rich tomorrow or they can start earning thousands of dollars in the next few hours. Scammers know this, so they will tell you what you want to hear.


If you want to be successful, you need to do what other successful marketers before you have done. According to Stan, these are the big dogs and you need to learn from them. The big dogs are the 3% of internet marketers who actually find success and make money online.


The way the book works is that it first introduces you to the 11 secrets of the big dogs. These are the proven business strategies that can help you make money on the internet. Next, Stan tells you about the various methods you can use to generate traffic online. He touches on:


– Search engine marketing with SEO

– Display advertising e.g. pay-per-click

– Online classifieds e.g. eBay

– Social media and content marketing

– Mobile advertising

– Email advertising


According to him, email advertising is the most effective way to gain a wider audience. However, it takes time and a lot of effort to build an email list of subscribers. An easy solution to this hurdle is CHIP, or Coordinated High Income Portfolio.


Stan explains that CHIP is a collection of residual income programs. Some of these programs include 14 safe list mailers, which are lists of people who have agreed to receive promotional emails from other people on the same list. When they view these emails, they get email credits, which they can then use to send their own promotional emails. There is also 1 traffic exchange and 1 tracking tool. Secrets of the big dogs uses these tools to generate up to 5 million email recipients per month.


You get paid when you promote your products to the members of these lists and they buy them. You can promote your own products or affiliate products. The only downside to these lists is that they sound a lot like MLMs. For instance, there is a system where you get commissions from other members within the individual programs when they upgrade. Just like MLMs, there are different levels and tiers of membership. Upper levels allow you to send emails to a wider audience and to send them more often, and also earn a higher commission from upgrading members under you. Although the system works, it just sounds a little iffy to me. You should be careful about what you chose to spend your money on. If you do not have a plan and a budget, you may soon realize that you have spent way more than you have gained from the incoming traffic.





secrets of the big dogs guarantee


Secrets of the Big Dogs is quite different from what I have reviewed here before. First of all, it is in the form of an eBook, which means all you are paying is a one-time fee, with no chance of upsells. It also comes pretty cheap at only $7, and the money back guarantee adds another layer of assurance to it. I believe it is definitely not a scam, and you can actually learn a thing or two about the ins and outs of internet marketing. Plus, Stan Stuchinski is a real person, with social media pages and the website registered under his name.


My only problem with it is the fact that some of the methods it recommends are a little shady, for lack of a better word. The safe lists and traffic exchange programs sound a lot like MLMs when you scrutinize how they work. They are not free to join and you could end up losing quite a lot of cash if you are not careful. When in doubt, it is best to steer clear of these, especially if you are a newbie.


There is also no community support. You just have to read the eBook yourself and figure things out from there. Just keep in mind that online businesses take time and patience to work. If you go in thinking you are going to make easy cash, you will be disappointed.


Email marketing can be effective. If you take the lessons from this book and implement them wisely, you can make quite a lot of money with Secrets of the big dogs. I like how the book has very little hype, instead, filling the pages with facts and truth. It is also easy to understand, and it is frequently updated so you can be sure you are getting all the latest information.





It is possible to make money with Secrets of the Big Dogs. The eBook is a collection of many important lessons that, if implemented, can yield great results for you and your online marketing business. However, like any such course, you should take everything you learn from it with a grain of salt. The author has his reasons for recommending certain products, so do your research before deciding that they will work for you. For example, the safe lists and traffic exchange programs recommended in the Secrets of the Big Dogs could end up making you spend more money than you have if you go all in on them, especially as a newbie.


Other than that, the lessons taught in this eBook can legitimately help you make money online. That being said, I am a firm believer in building an online business from the ground up. Patience is everything in this industry, and the only way to practice it is to start slow and work your way up. If you launch a website and expect 5 million views within a month, you will easily fall for any shiny venture that comes your way. The best way to go about it is to take things slow and build your empire from the ground up. Shortcuts will end up costing you in the long run, especially as a newbie. Build up your business slowly and organically and you will end up learning more and being much more efficient.


I recommend a completely free training community that includes what I think is one of the best training program on how to make money online using affiliate marketing. In fact, it is the exact same program I use day in and day out!


It is completely free and you have nothing to lose. In fact, I believe that it is the opportunity you have been looking for to achieve life altering online success!






I hope you found this helpful,


Leave me comments or questions below please. I will get back to you ASAP!


To your affiliate success!


Mike A

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